Last additions - Messier Objects

M31 coreFaySep 23, 2007

M31 Andromeda GalaxyFaySep 23, 2007

M15 Globular Cluster LRGBRobertMSep 23, 2007

M31 Great Andromeda GalaxyFaySep 12, 2007

M33 Pinwheel Spiral Galaxy in TriangulumFayAug 20, 2007

M13 The Great Hercules Cluster Dist: 23,400 l.y.FayAug 18, 2007

M27 Dumbbell Nebula in Vulpecula Dist: 851 l.y.FayAug 17, 2007

M11, The Wild Duck Cluster in Scutum Dist: 5,460 l.yFayApr 10, 2007

M42FayMar 09, 2007

M45FayMar 09, 2007

M42FayMar 09, 2007

M42FayMar 09, 2007

M1FayJan 23, 2007

M51 Whirlpool Galaxy in Canes VenaticiFayJan 23, 2007
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