The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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M15 Globular Cluster LRGB Reprocessed
10 x 120s Ha with Taken with SXV-H9 unbinned guided Sky 90@f5.6.
Visual magnitude 6.3
Size 18' x 18'
Reprocessed with help from Chris
Link-words: Messier Galaxy

M15 Globular Cluster LRGB Reprocessed

10 x 120s Ha with Taken with SXV-H9 unbinned guided Sky 90@f5.6.
Visual magnitude 6.3
Size 18' x 18'
Reprocessed with help from Chris

Rate this file (Current rating : 2.5 / 5 with 4 votes)
File information
Album name:RobertM / Messier Objects
Rating (4 votes):33333
Link-words:Messier / Galaxy
Image date, time and location:Sept 12 2007@23:30
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:235mm@f6.3
Camera and filters used:SXV-H9 Astronomik 13nm Ha
Processing applied:Flat subtracted combined and Kernel low pass processed in Maxim DL
Filesize:403 KiB
Date added:Oct 02, 2007
Dimensions:1392 x 1040 pixels
Displayed:436 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites