The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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M42 and M43 in Narrowband
Luminance made from 60 minutes Visible with IR block, plus 10 minutes Ha.
Red 10 minutes SII
Green 10 minutes Ha
Blue 10 minutes OIII
Link-words: Messier Nebula Whitmarsh

M42 and M43 in Narrowband

Luminance made from 60 minutes Visible with IR block, plus 10 minutes Ha.
Red 10 minutes SII
Green 10 minutes Ha
Blue 10 minutes OIII

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File information
Album name:Whitters / Messier Objects
Rating (5 votes):33333
Link-words:Messier / Nebula / Whitmarsh
Image date, time and location:7 October 2007, 03:00UT , Mileaway
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:WO 110 FLT, f6.5
Camera and filters used:Starlight X-Press Astronomic Narrowband Ha, SII, and OIII
Processing applied:LRGB, Blur to smooth, unsharp mask on luminance, levels and curves
Filesize:437 KiB
Date added:Oct 07, 2007
Dimensions:761 x 559 pixels
Displayed:520 times
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