The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

A place for members' images...

Category Albums Files
Stars, Nebulae and GalaxiesRecent developments in computer imaging and electronic image capture devices have made a huge difference to the detail and faintness of the Deep Sky objects amateurs can image, and modern digital SLRs are now capable of capturing breathtaking wide-angle views like those captured on slide film in the past.
4 996
PlanetsThe development of webcam imaging and techniques like stacking have dramatically increased the resolution of images of the planets in the last decade, as the images in these albums will show...
6 186
Sun and MoonEclipses and the Moon have long been favourite subjects for astrophotography, and affordable H-alpha filters have begun to make the Sun an attractive subject too.
4 321
Comets and AsteroidsComets can put on stunningly spectacular shows, but often they're as elusive and tricky to image as the Asteroids and Dwarf planets in our Solar system.
4 101
Instruments and Data FilesAlbums for photographs of astronomical instruments, and for data files. Some of the albums in this category will only be viewable by logged-in members.
4 51
Society EventsAlbums containing pictures taken at Society events.
6 601
Society Events by DecadeLinked albums that allow photographs of events to be viewed based on the years embedded in their link-words.
5 0
Society Events in the UK by VenueLinked albums that allow photographs of events to be viewed based on the venue names in their link-words. This selection covers venues in the UK.
10 0
Society Overseas Trips by DestinationLinked albums that allow photographs of events to be viewed based on the venue names in their link-words. This selection covers Society trips to destinations outside the UK.
5 0

Last additions
M51DuncanMar 08, 2025
M33 Triangulum GalaxyJohnHFeb 04, 2025
M31MarkOwensDec 07, 2024
M57 Ring NebulaMarkOwensNov 17, 2024
Ring NebulaMarkOwensNov 15, 2024

Random files
M81 & M82 in Ursa MajorFay
M33 Pinwheel Spiral Galaxy in TriangulumFay
M42 AndrewR