The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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M16 Eagle Nebula.
Single 900s Guided image of Eagle, Taken in Ha and processed in Maxim.
File binned to 2*2 Level adjusted
Link-words: Mac Messier Nebula

M16 Eagle Nebula.

Single 900s Guided image of Eagle, Taken in Ha and processed in Maxim.
File binned to 2*2 Level adjusted

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File information
Album name:Mac / Messier Objects
Rating (4 votes):22222
Link-words:Mac / Messier / Nebula
Image date, time and location:31st May 2am ish. Abbey Wood. Narrowband Ha
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Williams optic 90mm piggybacked on LX200, Lx200 used for guiding.
Camera and filters used:Starlight HX9 and narrowband Ha filter
Processing applied:Levels adjusted in maxim, unsharp mask applied, and 2*2 binned.
Filesize:269 KiB
Date added:May 31, 2009
Dimensions:696 x 519 pixels
Displayed:482 times
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