The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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The great nebular in Orion.
Link-words: Mac Messier Nebula


The great nebular in Orion.

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File information
Album name:Mac / Messier Objects
Rating (4 votes):22222
Link-words:Mac / Messier / Nebula
Image date, time and location:20 September 2008. From 02:48 to 04:58. Deepest lightest Abbey Wood.
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Meade LX200 10" F6.3
Camera and filters used:Canon 350D Unmodified, Lumicon Light polution filter with inbuilt Narrowband filters, Ha, Hb, Oiii
Processing applied:Stacked with Deep sky stacker, Levels applied in photoshop. (very little still learning.)
Filesize:177 KiB
Date added:Sep 20, 2008
Dimensions:585 x 585 pixels
Displayed:432 times
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