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NGC4565 Needle Galaxy
NGC 4565 (also known as the Needle Galaxy or Caldwell 38) is an edge-on spiral galaxy about 30 to 50 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices
Link-words: Galaxy

NGC4565 Needle Galaxy

NGC 4565 (also known as the Needle Galaxy or Caldwell 38) is an edge-on spiral galaxy about 30 to 50 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices

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File information
Album name:JohnDeathridge / Galaxies and Clusters
Rating (1 votes):55555
Image date, time and location:Tonbridge Bortle 5. May 8-15 , B-61x180s,G and R-55x180s, Lum-96x180s
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Askar 107Phq Flatfield Astrograph, aperture 107mm, focal length 749mm f7. Asiair PLus , ZWO AM5 and EAF
Camera and filters used:ZWO ASI2600MM Pro ZWO Filter wheel and Antlia LRGB Pro filters.
Filesize:25096 KiB
Date added:Jul 05, 2024
Dimensions:4932 x 3114 pixels
Displayed:14 times
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