The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

A place for members' images...

The Moon
It was the end of an imaging session and decided to run off some quick shots of the moon to test my camera on such a bright object. This was 30 x 0.01 second images average combined in MaximDL then processed with unsharp mask.Not sure what the streaking is at the bottom, but pleased with the detail.
Link-words: Moon

The Moon

It was the end of an imaging session and decided to run off some quick shots of the moon to test my camera on such a bright object. This was 30 x 0.01 second images average combined in MaximDL then processed with unsharp mask.Not sure what the streaking is at the bottom, but pleased with the detail.

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File information
Album name:Mike / The Moon
Rating (3 votes):33333
Image date, time and location:21/09/05 00:52
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Skywatcher ED80 80mm F7.5 refractor on EQ6 Pro mount. Starlight Xpress SXV-H9 camera.
Filesize:273 KiB
Date added:Sep 21, 2005
Dimensions:963 x 940 pixels
Displayed:283 times
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