The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

A place for members' images...

M45 Pleiades
The Pleiades, probably the most recognisable cluster in the northern skies.  This image show some of the blue nebulosity of M45 with some stars down to magnitude 10+.
Link-words: Messier Star

M45 Pleiades

The Pleiades, probably the most recognisable cluster in the northern skies. This image show some of the blue nebulosity of M45 with some stars down to magnitude 10+.

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File information
Album name:CSuddell / Constellations and Star Fields
Rating (3 votes):11111
Link-words:Messier / Star
Image date, time and location:25th October 2004 approx 11:30pm
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:This image was taken using a Canon EOS500n SLR with Fuji Negative film through a Skywatcher Skytravel 80 (400mm focal length, 80mm primary lens) piggy backed on a Meade LX90 using an equatorial wedge. This image is a single 2 minute exposure with no guid
Filesize:153 KiB
Date added:Nov 02, 2004
Dimensions:400 x 644 pixels
Displayed:388 times
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