The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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The Moon
Magnitude -11.1
Phase 0.745
Phase Angle 60.6 Degrees.
(Sky map data)
Link-words: Moon Mac

The Moon

Magnitude -11.1
Phase 0.745
Phase Angle 60.6 Degrees.
(Sky map data)

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File information
Album name:Mac / The Moon
Rating (1 votes):33333
Link-words:Moon / Mac
Image date, time and location:Saturday 20th September 00:00 ish.
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:LX200 10" GPS F6.3 Pier mounted, Meade Mega Wedge.
Camera and filters used:Canon D350, Unmodified. 1/80 Sec. Lumicon Deep sky filter (Forgot to remove it.)
Processing applied:Duplicated the Layer and adjusted for highlihts, Then made 25% transparent. Adjusted black and white point for the crater Kant. Next to the Theophilus. And the mid point to suit.
Filesize:1002 KiB
Date added:Sep 22, 2008
Dimensions:1950 x 1950 pixels
Displayed:305 times
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