The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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M33 Triangulum Galaxy

Dates:Dec. 20, 2020 Sidcup

Frames: 94x180" (4h 42')

Integration: 4h 42'

Avg. Moon age: 6.01 days

Avg. Moon phase: 35.57% 

This is the second round of processing this image. More data required, but am happy with the 4.75 hours I had.  

Interesting Galaxy. Looks like their has been interaction with another galaxy in the past which has throw out the spiral arms.

M33 Triangulum Galaxy


Dates:Dec. 20, 2020 Sidcup

Frames: 94x180" (4h 42')

Integration: 4h 42'

Avg. Moon age: 6.01 days

Avg. Moon phase: 35.57%

This is the second round of processing this image. More data required, but am happy with the 4.75 hours I had.

Interesting Galaxy. Looks like their has been interaction with another galaxy in the past which has throw out the spiral arms.

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File information
Album name:garrick / Messier Objects
Image date, time and location:20th Decemebr 2020 Sidcup
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:William Optics GT71 (Reducer 376mm)
Camera and filters used:ZWO ASI533 IDAS D2 Filter
Processing applied:Pixinsight
Filesize:5984 KiB
Date added:Sep 05, 2021
Dimensions:2690 x 1708 pixels
Displayed:145 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites