The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

A place for members' images...

Wolf Rayet WR134
Combination of data from 3 different images.
2 different set ups
Samyang lens & Atik460EX on Crescent area 5.5 hours
Samyang lens & Atik460EX Widefield Tulip area 9.5 hours
Ha and Oiii with WOZS71 and Atik460EX  4 hours
Link-words: CarolePope

Wolf Rayet WR134

Combination of data from 3 different images.
2 different set ups
Samyang lens & Atik460EX on Crescent area 5.5 hours
Samyang lens & Atik460EX Widefield Tulip area 9.5 hours
Ha and Oiii with WOZS71 and Atik460EX 4 hours

Rate this file (Current rating : 5 / 5 with 1 votes)
File information
Album name:Carole / Nebulae
Rating (1 votes):55555
Image date, time and location:Various
Filesize:22589 KiB
Date added:Dec 31, 2021
Dimensions:1999 x 2607 pixels
Displayed:87 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites