The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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M8 and M20
M8 and the Triffid M20 in the same field.
Link-words: Messier Nebula Star

M8 and M20

M8 and the Triffid M20 in the same field.

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File information
Album name:Whitters / Messier Objects
Rating (2 votes):33333
Link-words:Messier / Nebula / Star
Image date, time and location:2005 June 14th
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:300mm f2.8 Tamron Lens and Astronomik Ha filter Starlight MX916 camera. 74 minute integration.
Filesize:133 KiB
Date added:Jul 13, 2005
Dimensions:505 x 670 pixels
Displayed:453 times
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