The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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Black Eye Galaxy M64
Located in Coma Berenices at 24 Million ly from us.  It's an interesting galaxy in that the gas and stars in the central region rotate in the opposite direction to those in the outer.

This image was a sum of 10x180s but it needs a lot more exposure to display the outer smooth arms properly.
Link-words: Messier Galaxy

Black Eye Galaxy M64

Located in Coma Berenices at 24 Million ly from us. It's an interesting galaxy in that the gas and stars in the central region rotate in the opposite direction to those in the outer.

This image was a sum of 10x180s but it needs a lot more exposure to display the outer smooth arms properly.

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File information
Album name:RobertM / Messier Objects
Rating (1 votes):00000
Link-words:Messier / Galaxy
Image date, time and location:May 10 2008 @ 01:00
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Celestron C9.25 @ F6.2
Camera and filters used:SXV-H9 with Baader Neodymium LP filter
Processing applied:Calibrated with Flats and DDP in Maxim with post processing in PS
Filesize:67 KiB
Date added:May 13, 2008
Dimensions:1392 x 1040 pixels
Displayed:436 times
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