Most viewed - Stars, Nebulae and Galaxies

Sh2-115 & Sh2-112118 viewsCarole

Half of NGC 1499 The California Nebula117 viewsDuncan

The Large Magellanic Cloud 117 viewsWhitters

Cone and Christmas Tree nebulae116 viewsCarole

M81, M82 and stuff. 21 Jan 2023, Manche, France116 viewsDuncan

Monkey Head Nebula NGC2174 9 Jan 2021115 viewsDuncan

M42 and horsehead Samyang lens114 viewsCarole

Jellyfish nebula 113 viewsCarole

M8 Lagoon,M16 Eagle,M17 Omega,M20 Triffid,M22 Globular,Clusters M23,M24,M25,M28 annotated113 viewsDuncan

Veil Nebula complex 112 viewsCarole

Dark Shark Nebula LDN1235111 viewsCarole

Western Veil Nebula (AKA the Witch's Broom) NGC6960110 viewsCarole
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