
The Heart of a New World 0582 viewsRoy

NGC6820 (data from 2018 and 2023)82 viewsCarole

Tulip Nebula Sh2-101 81 viewsCarole

Gamma Cass 2021 annotated81 viewsCarole

NGC7538 and NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula81 viewsDuncan

OAS 40th Anniversary Event 16-10-2021, Carole in charge of the Imaging Display81 viewsRoy

OAS 40th Anniversary Event 16-10-2021, Greg enjoying the pyrotechnics81 viewsRoy

OAS 40th Anniversary Event 16-10-2021, Greg cutting the cake81 viewsRoy

OAS 40th Anniversary Event 16-10-2021, Greg with his Rollascope, taken by Fay81 viewsRoy

The Heart of a New World 1281 viewsRoy

OAS 40th Anniversary Event 16-10-2021, Brian and Robin enjoying the event80 viewsRoy

OAS 40th Anniversary Event 16-10-2021, Display of OAS historical documents, taken by Fay80 viewsRoy

OAS 40th Anniversary Event 16-10-2021, Fay and Carole80 viewsRoy

OAS 40th Anniversary Event 16-10-2021, Roberto with the restored Dolland telescope80 viewsRoy
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