The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

A place for members' images...

NGC 7000 the North America/Pelican Nebulae and Deneb
My first shot at an emission nebula with the unmodified 450d.

16 x 120s @ ISO 800
10 Darks 120s @ ISO 800
10 bias 1/4000s @ ISO 800
10 Flats @ ISO 800

Link-words: Nebula

NGC 7000 the North America/Pelican Nebulae and Deneb

My first shot at an emission nebula with the unmodified 450d.

16 x 120s @ ISO 800
10 Darks 120s @ ISO 800
10 bias 1/4000s @ ISO 800
10 Flats @ ISO 800

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File information
Album name:RobertM / Nebulae
Rating (5 votes):33333
Image date, time and location:July 5th 2008 @ 00:10 my back garden in Orpington
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:200mm F2.8
Camera and filters used:Canon 450d with Astronomik CLS filter
Processing applied:Calibrated with bias, dark and flatfield frames in DSS and stretched in PS
Filesize:351 KiB
Date added:Jul 06, 2008
Dimensions:1428 x 2145 pixels
Displayed:308 times
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