The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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NGC281 The Pacman Nebula
This star forming emission nebula in Cassiopea is approximately 9500 ly away. It contains the Open Cluster IC 1590 and a number of Bok globules.

A total of 90 minutes in 5 min subs unguided on the NJP.

Image centered on RA 00:52:49, DEC +56:37:31

Link-words: Nebula

NGC281 The Pacman Nebula

This star forming emission nebula in Cassiopea is approximately 9500 ly away. It contains the Open Cluster IC 1590 and a number of Bok globules.

A total of 90 minutes in 5 min subs unguided on the NJP.

Image centered on RA 00:52:49, DEC +56:37:31

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File information
Album name:RobertM / Nebulae
Rating (2 votes):22222
Image date, time and location:24th August 2008 @ 23:30
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:90mm f/4.5
Camera and filters used:Starlight-Xpress SXV-H9 and Astronomik 13nm Ha filter
Processing applied:Stacked/DDP stretch in MaximDL plus levels/curves and mild sharpening in PS
Filesize:668 KiB
Date added:Aug 29, 2008
Dimensions:1392 x 1040 pixels
Displayed:206 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites