The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

A place for members' images...

Fighting Dragons of Ara
Born from the light and matter of massive young stars, winged serpents take shape.

Fighting Dragons of Ara

Born from the light and matter of massive young stars, winged serpents take shape.

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File information
Album name:RichardL / Nebulae
Image date, time and location:Sep-2020, Siding Springs, Austrialia
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:0.1m f/5.0 Astrograph, 530mm
Camera and filters used:FLO Microline 11002 CCD, SII, Ha, OIII
Processing applied:PixInsight, Photoshop, Topaz DeNoise AI
Filesize:4956 KiB
Date added:Jul 29, 2021
Dimensions:4800 x 6000 pixels
Displayed:71 times
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