The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

A place for members' images...

Luminance 600 x 12
Ha 600 x 4
RGB total of 40mins in 150sec subs binned x 2
Needs a lot more data, but ran out of time at this location and it was 5am in the morning.

Atik428EX, ED80 and HEQ5
Link-words: CarolePope


Luminance 600 x 12
Ha 600 x 4
RGB total of 40mins in 150sec subs binned x 2
Needs a lot more data, but ran out of time at this location and it was 5am in the morning.

Atik428EX, ED80 and HEQ5

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File information
Album name:Carole / Galaxies and Clusters
Image date, time and location:January 2020 Swanley
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:WOZS71
Camera and filters used:Atik460EX Baader LRGB
Processing applied:Artemis, Astroart, Registar and Photoshop
Filesize:10753 KiB
Date added:Feb 17, 2020
Dimensions:1916 x 1429 pixels
Displayed:135 times
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