The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

A place for members' images...

Mars 22/8/03
Image of mars taken at about 1.30am on 22nd August, 2003, using an 8

Mars 22/8/03

Image of mars taken at about 1.30am on 22nd August, 2003, using an 8" Newtonian with 5x powermate and an unmodified Toucam Pro. Ian adds "[/I]Thought I'd say up until Mars cleared my neighbours tree (previously, I'd been imaging before Mars went behind it) and I was rewarded by a night of exceptional seeing. At 1.34am I captured the avi (about 1400 frames) and with very little processing produced this. I'm rather pleased with it."
Greg took the original and pulled out a little more detail using PhotoShop.

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File information
Album name:Ian / Mars
Rating (2 votes):44444
Image date, time and location:Taken at about 1.30am, 22nd August, 2003.
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:8" Newtonian
Filesize:6179 Bytes
Date added:Sep 06, 2003
Dimensions:400 x 200 pixels
Displayed:258 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites