The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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M51 from Kelling Heath & Riberac
7.5 hours total exposure in 5 minute subs.  5 hours at the Kelling Heath Star Party and 2.5 hours at Riberac in France

M51 from Kelling Heath & Riberac

7.5 hours total exposure in 5 minute subs. 5 hours at the Kelling Heath Star Party and 2.5 hours at Riberac in France

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File information
Album name:MarkS / Messier Objects
Rating (3 votes):33333
Image date, time and location:April 2009: Kelling Heath Star Party and Riberac in France
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Celestron C11 + F6.3 focal reducer on EQ6 mount. Guided with 300mm telephoto with x2 converter & Toucam webcam.
Camera and filters used:Modified Canon EOS 350D with IR filter
Processing applied:Stacked in Iris. Scaled 2/3. Mild deconvolution applied.
Filesize:235 KiB
Date added:Apr 28, 2009
Dimensions:1024 x 1024 pixels
Displayed:338 times
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