The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

A place for members' images...

Jupiter at its best  2002
Prime Focus  8" Schmitt Cassegrain with 2xBarlow. 
Paul used Astrostack to photomultiply some 40 frames together in a single capture. I think you will agree that he seems to have the nack of bringing out the finest of details.
Link-words: Jupiter

Jupiter at its best 2002

Prime Focus 8" Schmitt Cassegrain with 2xBarlow.
Paul used Astrostack to photomultiply some 40 frames together in a single capture. I think you will agree that he seems to have the nack of bringing out the finest of details.

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File information
Album name:Whitters / Jupiter
Rating (3 votes):33333
Image date, time and location:20:14 UT 3rd April 2002
Filesize:19 KiB
Date added:Apr 10, 2002
Dimensions:516 x 516 pixels
Displayed:409 times
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