The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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Bubble Nebula NGC7635
Ha 9 x 900secs April 2015, Ha 4 x 900secs Sept 2016, Ha 3 x 600 & 1` x 900 Sept 2016, Oiii 10 x 300 & 3 x 300 binned x 2 Sept 2016, Sii 9 x 300 & 3 x 300 binned x 2 Sept 2016
Atik314 & HEQ5, Skywatcher ED120 and WO FR x 0.8, Mapped HOS
Total 6 1/4 hours

Link-words: CarolePope

Bubble Nebula NGC7635

Ha 9 x 900secs April 2015, Ha 4 x 900secs Sept 2016, Ha 3 x 600 & 1` x 900 Sept 2016, Oiii 10 x 300 & 3 x 300 binned x 2 Sept 2016, Sii 9 x 300 & 3 x 300 binned x 2 Sept 2016
Atik314 & HEQ5, Skywatcher ED120 and WO FR x 0.8, Mapped HOS
Total 6 1/4 hours

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File information
Album name:Carole / Nebulae
Rating (1 votes):55555
Image date, time and location:Kelling Heath over 2 years Aptil 2015 and September 2016
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:ED120 and WOZS71 both with FR x 0.8
Camera and filters used:Atik314L
Processing applied:Atermis, Astroart, Photoshop and Registar
Filesize:4153 KiB
Date added:Jul 23, 2021
Dimensions:1199 x 888 pixels
Displayed:59 times
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