The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

A place for members' images...

The Milky Way taken during DSC Headcorn
This is a wide field image of the Milky Way (our native galaxy) taken at DSC this summer.
Link-words: Star

The Milky Way taken during DSC Headcorn

This is a wide field image of the Milky Way (our native galaxy) taken at DSC this summer.

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File information
Album name:CSuddell / Constellations and Star Fields
Rating (2 votes):44444
Image date, time and location:This image was taken during our summer Deep sky Camp at Headcorn on the 8th August 2005
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:This image was taken using a EOS300D digital camera a stack of 3x5 minute exposures and 3 dark frames processed using IRIS, taken with an 18mm lens.
Filesize:97 KiB
Date added:Aug 24, 2005
Dimensions:750 x 499 pixels
Displayed:258 times
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