File information |
Filename: | 2018-02-01_l6_ap296_GIMP_IV.jpg |
Album name: | Duncan / The Moon |
Link-words: | Duncan |
Image date, time and location: | 2018-02-01 22:50:00 Manche, France |
Telescope aperture and focal ratio: | TS1506UNC f4 Newtonian, TS Komakorr corrector, ZWO OAG with GPCAM2 Mono |
Camera and filters used: | ZWO ASI294 Pro Colour @-15c, no filters |
Processing applied: | Autostakkert3! as 32bit FIT file, GIMP 2.9 (colour, curves, sharpening using NL and Unsharp Mask, Save As), Irfanview (check JPG looks OK and set EXIF filedate/time) |
Filesize: | 818 KiB |
Date added: | Feb 03, 2018 |
Dimensions: | 2024 x 1360 pixels |
Displayed: | 394 times |
URL: | |
Favorites: | Add to Favorites |