The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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As a beginner I still forget to set the color balance on the webcam. This is why my image of Saturn is a nice shade of orange! But thanks to some help the image was sorted out in Photoshop.
Link-words: Saturn


As a beginner I still forget to set the color balance on the webcam. This is why my image of Saturn is a nice shade of orange! But thanks to some help the image was sorted out in Photoshop.

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File information
Album name:Paul Gibbons / Saturn
Rating (5 votes):11111
Image date, time and location:07 Feb 2005, 18:58
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Taken with a Philips ToUCam webcam, mounted on a Meade ETX105-EC. A 30 sec video stacked in Registax 3, and tweaked in Photoshop.
Filesize:44 KiB
Date added:Mar 06, 2005
Dimensions:640 x 480 pixels
Displayed:422 times
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