The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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Monarch of the Moon
Being on the terminator the bright rays of majestic Copernicus (93km diam), below the Montes Carpatus, are dimmed and outshone by nearby Kepler at this time. Keyhole-shaped tiny Fauth (12km diam) sits below. Bang on the terminator at the tip of the Montes Apenninus lies the beautiful Eratosthenes at 58km in diameter.
Link-words: Moon

Monarch of the Moon

Being on the terminator the bright rays of majestic Copernicus (93km diam), below the Montes Carpatus, are dimmed and outshone by nearby Kepler at this time. Keyhole-shaped tiny Fauth (12km diam) sits below. Bang on the terminator at the tip of the Montes Apenninus lies the beautiful Eratosthenes at 58km in diameter.

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File information
Album name:TonyB / The Moon
Rating (2 votes):22222
Image date, time and location:6th October 2004
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Olympus 3Mp digital camera at 1/30th sec through a Celestron 8" SCT
Filesize:209 KiB
Date added:Jun 12, 2005
Dimensions:770 x 576 pixels
Displayed:347 times
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