The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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Saturn with 2 Meade 2x Barlows Jan 2004
Second attempt at Saturn this time using a 2 Meade 2x Barlow, Seeing 6/10.  Processed Registax 400ish frames from 600 auto-selected.
Link-words: Saturn

Saturn with 2 Meade 2x Barlows Jan 2004

Second attempt at Saturn this time using a 2 Meade 2x Barlow, Seeing 6/10. Processed Registax 400ish frames from 600 auto-selected.

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File information
Album name:CSuddell / Saturn
Rating (3 votes):44444
Image date, time and location:22:46 24th January 2004
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Orion Europa F4.4 8" with 2 Meade 2x Barlows and Vesta 680k. Image taken at 5FPS with compression on, Auto White Balance, Gamma 50% and 50th shutter speed.
Filesize:3626 Bytes
Date added:Feb 17, 2004
Dimensions:269 x 174 pixels
Displayed:395 times
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