The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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M65, M66 and NGC3628 in Leo
A group of three galaxies M65, M66 and NGC3628. Halton Arp included this group as number 317 in his Catalogue of Peculiar Galaxies. Lying at a distance of some 35 million light years.
Link-words: Messier Galaxy

M65, M66 and NGC3628 in Leo

A group of three galaxies M65, M66 and NGC3628. Halton Arp included this group as number 317 in his Catalogue of Peculiar Galaxies. Lying at a distance of some 35 million light years.

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File information
Album name:Whitters / Galaxies and Clusters
Rating (4 votes):22222
Link-words:Messier / Galaxy
Image date, time and location:21st February 2003 02:51
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:A stack of 21 x 60 second exposures. Instrument - Tamron 300mm f2.8 used at f4. Camera - MX916. Filter - Astronomik IR Block. Location - OAS Deep Sky Camp II at Headcorn.
Filesize:89 KiB
Date added:Feb 25, 2004
Dimensions:600 x 447 pixels
Displayed:401 times
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