The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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Jupiter from Mottingham
This was my first attempt at Jupiter, for this image I used a 2x Barlow.  The image was 99 frames 0% exposure 1/250th of a second; the brightness of my telescope causes some issues with Jupiter.
Link-words: Jupiter

Jupiter from Mottingham

This was my first attempt at Jupiter, for this image I used a 2x Barlow. The image was 99 frames 0% exposure 1/250th of a second; the brightness of my telescope causes some issues with Jupiter.

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File information
Album name:CSuddell / Jupiter
Rating (3 votes):44444
Image date, time and location:14/01/2004
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Europa 8" F4.4, 2x Barlow, 1 set of images captured in K3CCD, 99 frames stacked using Registax.
Filesize:22 KiB
Date added:Jan 20, 2004
Dimensions:250 x 218 pixels
Displayed:377 times
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