Cygnus Region (and Friends of Sadr)
Cygnus Region Ultra Wide Field
The image depicts a wide field view of the Cygnus Region. Notable objects include the Crescent Nebula and the Propeller Nebula.
Dates:June 24, 2021
Imaging telescopes or lenses: Samyang 100mm/2.8 ED Samyang
Imaging cameras: ZWO ASI 294MM Pro (cooled)
Mounts: Skywatcher HEQ5 PRO (belt modification)
Guiding telescopes or lenses: ZWO 30mm Mini Guide Scope
Guiding cameras: ZWO ASI120MM-S
Additional Info
Filters: Baader Ha, OIII, SII 1.25 inch
Frames:Baader Ha, OIII, SII 1.25 inch: 400x180" (20h) (gain: 120.00) -10C bin 2x2
Integration: 20h
Darks: ~41
Flats: ~41
Flat darks: ~41