Clamshell Nebula SHO with some RGB stars. Taken from Bortle 8.
A lot of hard work went into producing this because the Oiii and Sii was so faint from my location. Had to use the Equalize function in Photoshop to bring out the faint stuff.
Ha 13 x 900
Oiii 4 x 450binned
Sii 2 x 450 binned
I know I should have got more Oiii and Sii, but was so disappointed with so little data showing I gave up and went for HaRGB instead.
But today i decided to "have a go" and see what I could do with SHO and the equalize function.
Samyang 135mm lens @ f2.8 and Atik460EX Baader filters on HEQ5