Kelling Heath walk in the Woods by Train line (Adrian Pope photo)Carole
Kelling Heath 2011 Steam Train Carole
Kelling 2011 Carole's husband AdrianCarole
Kelling 2011 Stream Train and Sea by Ken Pearson Carole
Kelling 2011 Ken Pearson and friend "set up"Carole
Kelling 2011 Ken Pearson with solar scopeCarole
Kelling 2011 Duncan's scope and TentCarole
Kelling 2011 Delphine and ScopeCarole
Kelling 2011 Delphine and IanCarole
High Elms 26.9.2010 our tent and scopes Carole
Rother Valley DSC July 2010 (3)Carole
Rother Valley DSC July 2010 (2)Carole
Rother Valley DSC July 2010 (1)Carole