The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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Mulitple negative images were added together to form the single picture. Processed in Photoshop? using ?calculation? of the individual channels in CMYK, one channel at a time.

Note that on the limb is the moon Io. Normally the moons of Jupiter are too faint to be recorded at the same time as Jupiter itself. However, when the large gallilean moons pass in front of Jupiter's disk it is possible to steal a little of Jupiter's light in order to bring out the tiny moon.
Link-words: Jupiter


Mulitple negative images were added together to form the single picture. Processed in Photoshop? using ?calculation? of the individual channels in CMYK, one channel at a time.

Note that on the limb is the moon Io. Normally the moons of Jupiter are too faint to be recorded at the same time as Jupiter itself. However, when the large gallilean moons pass in front of Jupiter's disk it is possible to steal a little of Jupiter's light in order to bring out the tiny moon.

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File information
Album name:Greg / Jupiter
Rating (6 votes):22222
Image date, time and location:Tuesday 26 October 1999 at 00.27-29 BST
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:All taken on film with a 31/2 Questar. The seeing from Bromley was fair.
Filesize:14 KiB
Date added:Oct 31, 2001
Dimensions:300 x 291 pixels
Displayed:372 times
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