The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

A place for members' images...

Mercury 17/4/03
RA: 02h 54m 10s
Dec: 19°35'15"
Az: 282°42'32"
Alt: 15°01'56"
Distance 0.839588AU
Heliocentric distance: 0.354419AU
Rising: 05:24
Setting: 21:04
Transit: 13:13
Vis.Mag.: 0.49
Vis.Dia.: 8.0"
Illuminated: 35%

The seeing was only about 3/10. 

The image was optimized and stacked in Registax? from 61 "best" images selected from a 147 video frames. 
Then the whole lot was reprocessed in Photoshop? for sharpness and colour properties. 5 "best" reference frames were then added back into the processing to bring up the final shape of the planet.
Link-words: Mercury

Mercury 17/4/03

RA: 02h 54m 10s
Dec: 19°35'15"
Az: 282°42'32"
Alt: 15°01'56"
Distance 0.839588AU
Heliocentric distance: 0.354419AU
Rising: 05:24
Setting: 21:04
Transit: 13:13
Vis.Mag.: 0.49
Vis.Dia.: 8.0"
Illuminated: 35%

The seeing was only about 3/10.

The image was optimized and stacked in Registax? from 61 "best" images selected from a 147 video frames.
Then the whole lot was reprocessed in Photoshop? for sharpness and colour properties. 5 "best" reference frames were then added back into the processing to bring up the final shape of the planet.

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File information
Album name:Greg / Mercury
Rating (2 votes):44444
Image date, time and location:Taken on 17th April 2003, the time was 19:14 BST.
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Handheld video loooking through the eyepiece of a 90mm Questar.
Filesize:6873 Bytes
Date added:Sep 24, 2003
Dimensions:367 x 206 pixels
Displayed:423 times
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