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Jupiter Animation 
Link-words: Duncan

Jupiter Animation

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File information
Album name:Duncan / Jupiter
Image date, time and location:2014-12-30 03:49:51 Beckenham
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Meade LX90 8" UHTC, Moonfish 2" x2 ED Barlow, Moonfish variable extension tube and t-mount adapter, Pierro Astro Astmospheric Dispersion Corrector, Phillips SPC900NC (in that order). PHD2 guided.
Processing applied:Captured @20fps in SharpCap. Firecapture would be used but it doesn't like the old Phillips webcam. PIPP cropped, quality selected and compressed (saves vast amount of disk space), Autostakkert! using Sigma Stacking option to remove dust bunnies, Reg
Filesize:110 KiB
Date added:Dec 30, 2014
Dimensions:336 x 336 pixels
Displayed:252 times
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