The O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

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Jupiter from London in June 2006
This Jupiter image was an attempt to start to push an Orion Optics 250mm scope to its limits, althought this is only with a 3x Barlow I'm happy with the results considering how low Jupiter is in the sky this year.
Link-words: Jupiter

Jupiter from London in June 2006

This Jupiter image was an attempt to start to push an Orion Optics 250mm scope to its limits, althought this is only with a 3x Barlow I'm happy with the results considering how low Jupiter is in the sky this year.

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File information
Album name:CSuddell / Jupiter
Rating (4 votes):22222
Image date, time and location:6th June 2006, approx 11:30pm
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:Taken with a ToUCam Pro II 1 minute AVI 5FPS, processed in Registax. Telescope is an Orion Optics 10" F6.3, image taken at F18.9.
Filesize:120 KiB
Date added:Jun 14, 2006
Dimensions:640 x 480 pixels
Displayed:456 times
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